Web-site upgrades

Posted on: 11th July 2013

Regular visitors to our web-site will have noticed the major changes we have recently made with a new look and an integrated blog. However, there is more going on “behind the scenes”. We have been working with Webfooted Designs to generally improve the site for some months.

The integrated blog will mean that we now have one-stop for all information about the Museum.

We have removed a layer of complexity within the site’s architecture. This might sound a bit technical but to you. the visitor, it just means one less click to get where you want to be.

We have brought you high resolution imagery (to those with fast broadband) of important museum exhibits so that you can see them on-line in far higher detail than you can in the Museum. One example is the Ichthyosaur E42 which is normally kept locked away in the cellar but, even when it was recently displayed, you would have needed to be on your knees with a strong magnifying glass to see the same level of detail. A low resolution image is shown here but click here to see the complete specimen in high resolution.

We hope you continue to enjoy our site and keep coming back to get information on events, walks or our displays.