A creative project for wellbeing and pleasure
Lyme Regis Museum is full of curious things, we often ask ourselves; how did it get here, who made it, why is it special?
This exciting new project will be part of our centenary celebrations and we are inviting you to join us to take an exclusive look behind the scenes at 10 of our most intriguing objects. From a 200-million-year old Ichthyosaur, to an old farm boot and a tiny porcelain dinner!
Led by artist Christine Allison and landscape poet Sarah Acton, this project explores the museum collections from a new perspective. Through discussion, drawing and writing each week we will discover a new object and encourage you to choose and hold objects from your own home and feel inspired by the special stories and memories they hold.
These sessions are designed for wellbeing and pleasure and anyone can take part. Christine believes:
“Anyone can draw” And Sarah said “we all have stories to tell”
To take part simply download the resources from on our website or pop into the museum to collect one of our limited edition centenary packs.
To sign up or find out more please contact
Bridget Houseago, Programme and Operations Manager