The new year is underway at Lyme Regis Museum with a new art exhibition by Liz Somerville. Situated in the Rotunda, it will continue until mid-April. It is titled “Almost… READ MORE
Posts Tagged ‘artists’

New Exhibition: Serendipity
From 14th January, there will be a new exhibition in the Rotunda Gallery at Lyme Regis Museum. It is a “lucky-dip“ of pictures and objects from our reserve collections, chosen… READ MORE

Gifted, Prolific, Forgotten: Sydney Jessett Returns to Lyme Regis Museum
Born in Bethnal Green, London in 1885, Sydney Jessett moved to the South West in 1939 with his evacuee granddaughters and wife, Ethel. Apart from service in the Royal Flying… READ MORE

Exhibition: 12 x 12
Local artist Gail Sagman, of Jam Factory fame, is exhibiting the latest of her visually exciting installations in the Rotunda Gallery at Lyme Regis Museum, from 10-5 every day until… READ MORE

New on the website: Lyme’s Literary and Artistic Connections
The website’s longstanding “Writers and Artists” page has been given a bit of an overhaul, with a new title – Lyme’s Literary and Artistic Connections – and more pictures and… READ MORE
A new exhibition from the Artsfest re-collection project inspired by the Museum’s collections. The Catch by Sarah Thomas is in the Rotunda Gallery from 18th July to 8th September 2013.

Trapped in the Jurassic!
“Jurassic Dreams” is the latest in the ongoing re:collection series of exhibitions in the Rotunda gallery at Lyme Regis Museum. The idea behind the series, organised jointly by the Museum… READ MORE